Date: 28 /09/2022
Venue: Kamarajar Arangam, Chanthaiyadi
Event: World Rabies Day
Theme: Rabies : One Health , Zero Deaths
Staff Incharge: Mrs.Jasmine Diana
Every year September 28 is celebrated as World Rabies Day, a global health observance started in 2007 to raise awareness about the world’s deadliest infectious disease and bring together partners to enhance prevention and control efforts worldwide.
This year’s theme ‘Rabies: One Health, Zero Deaths’ will highlight the connection of the environment with both people and animals.
World Rabies day was celebrated in Kamarajar Arangam, Chanthaiyadi on
28 /09/2022 by II year BSc. Nursing students.
The program was started at 10.00 a.m.with an introductory talk by Mr.Benastin. The students created an awareness among public regarding Rabies through puppet show. They narrated the meaning of rabies, stages of disease progress mode of transmission, and the vaccination schedule. Approximately 15 persons were participated. The program was ended at 10.30 am by vote of thanks by Ms.Daffney.