Date : 15/11/2023
Duration : 1 hour
Event : World COPD day (November 15)
Staff In charge : Mrs. T.Vimalmathy.
World COPD Day is celebrated every 3rd Wednesday of November in every year. This year, COPD Awareness Day was held on November 15.
The theme of this year is “Breathing is Life – Act Earlier. It aims to highlight the importance of early lung health, early diagnosis and early interventions.
In this regard to create an awareness regarding COPD the II year DGNM students provided a health talk regarding COPD among the people who came to the main OPD of our hospital.
The event started at 11 am with an introductory talk by Ms.samitha II year DGNM student and PPT was presented that briefed about the significance of COPD day , the need for remembering it, meaning, clinical features ,early diagnosis and the interventions of COPD. Approximately 50 people were attended the session. People were attentive during the session .Finally she concluded and thanked the gathering.