VENUE: II Year B.Sc Nursing – Class Room
Dr. Jeyasekharan College of Nursing
EVENT : World Alzheimer’s Day
THEME : “Never too early, never too late“
STAFF INCHARGE: Mrs. Cerlin Nelson
World Alzheimer’s Day, is observed every year on the 21st of September, with the objective of creating awareness about the misconception of dementia and Alzheimer’s and to encourage and support the families of Alzheimer-affected patients to tackle and fight it.
We the Dr.Jeyasekharan College of Nursing has planned to conduct educational programs on 25th September among II Year B.Sc Nursing students and II Year DGNM.
The Agenda of the program is as follows,
Master of Ceremony – Ms. Resiya II Year DGNM
Prayer song – II year B.Sc Nursing students
Welcome speech – Ms. Vijish Merit, II Year B.Sc Nursing student
Introduction speech – Ms. Soundariya, II Year DGNM student
Role play – II Year B.Sc Nursing and DGNM Students
Vote of thanks – Ms. Jerlin II Year DGNM student
Students perform an informative roleplay about Alzheimer disease, its causes and about its management, also students emphasized that, we should remember the loved ones who are living with dementia and should take care of them as a child without hurting them. Students also accentuated that family, society and nation have important role in taking care of their elderly.