Teacher’s day program was organized and conducted by Student Nurses Association on 5th September 2023. The event started at around 3 pm in the auditorium. B.Sc. Nursing, DGNM students and Teachers of Dr. Jeyasekharan College of Nursing participated in the event.
The event started with Prayer song by the college choir. Ms. Daffney, III Year B.Sc. Nursing welcomed the gathering. Teacher’s day message was given by Dr. Sarayu Priya, Principal. Madam briefed about the significance of Teachers day and inspired the students by her motivational speech. Correspondent felicitated the event congratulating her team of teachers for their hard work in the growth of the institution and extended her teachers day greetings to all.
Symposium was organized by II Year B.Sc. Nursing students on “Transformation of Education begins with Students“. It reflected the responsibilities of students in transforming education across various areas of development emphasizing academic, clinical and cocurricular and overall development. Members of the Symposium were Ms. Harini Priya, IV Year B.Sc. Nursing on all round personality development., Ms. Aarthi V O, III Year B.Sc. Nursing on cocurricular transformation., Ms. Anu, II Year B.Sc. Nursing and Ms. Ms.Malavika II Year DGNM on clinical transformation., Ms. Soorya Pooja., I Year B.Sc. Nursing on academic transformation. Members were introduced by the Moderator Ms. Anu, II Year B.Sc.Nursing. Each member of the panel contributed their ideas on educational transformation. Moderator concluded the symposium with her view points. Students participated with full enthusiasm.
III Year B.Sc. Nursing and II Year DGNM students performed a dance and I year B.Sc. Nursing students dedicated a special song to their teachers. Master of ceremony was by Mr. Suresh Kumar, III Year B.Sc. Nursing student. Special video was dedicated to teachers by the students. The first batch of graduated students also had given special teachers day greetings to their teachers through online video. Ms. Jerlin II Year DGNM proposed the vote of thanks
SNA Advisor
Dr. Golden Catherine T