World Malaria Day

Report of the SNA activity remembered on 21/04/2022

Date:  21/04/2022

Duration: 15 mts

Event: World Malaria Day

Staff in charge: Mrs.T.Vimalmathy, Ms.Berculine Newla.

          The World Malaria Day is observed annually on 25 April to bring global attention to reduce suffering and death from Malaria. The theme of this year is, ‘Harness innovation to reduce the malaria disease burden and save lives.’

         A poster presentation regarding World Malaria Day was given by BSc (N) IV year students in Urban Primary Health Center Vadasery. Ms.Athira IV year B.Sc.(N) explained about  the definition, causes, mode of transmission, signs and symptoms ,diagnostic evaluation, management and preventive measures of malaria.   Finally she concluded and thanked the gatherings.